Friday, February 26, 2010

Today, the instructor returned the results of the Reconstruction DBQ Essay. Before beginning the lecture and discussion today, the instructor talked with the students about the outcome of the essay and the ways in which to improve the basic structure of arguments through thesis writing and transitions within body paragraphs.

Following the debrief on the Reconstruction DBQ, the instructor began background information on Teddy Roosevelt and his impact on American politics during the turn of the century (1900) and how his Foreign Policy and feelings about Imperialism/Colonialism shape the future of America's strength as a world power.

Tonight's Homework: AP Chapter Questions (27-29)...test has been delayed until later next week...thus, questions deadline has also been extended.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The instructor finished up the lecture and discussion about the impact of American Imperialism and how America turned itself into a colonial power at the turn of the century (1900). The lecture and discussion focused on the colonial holdings of American after the Spanish-American War and also America's policies in dealing with China (Boxer Rebellion and Open Door Policy).

Tonight's Homework: AP Chapter Questions (Chapters 27-29)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The instructor was out the classroom today due to a Professional Meeting in preparation for King High School Remembers (Veterans Project).

Today, the students were given the opportunity to Peer-Peer review over the information in Unit 9 using their AP Chapter Questions assignment (Chapters 27-29).

Tonight's Homework: AP Chapter Questions (continue working on Chapters 27-29).

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today, the instructor and the students looked at the impact of America emerging as an industrial and colonial power at the turn of the century (1900)....specifically, identifying the reasons for wanting to become a world power and the causes that led America to become competitive with other nations (European and Non-European).

Tonight's Homework: AP Chapter Questions (Unit 9...Chapters 27-29). Bring your textbook tomorrow to work on questions in class with your peers.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today, the instructor and the students finished going through the information on Populism and the effects populism had on the democratic party at the end of the 19th century. Towards the end of the discussion and lecture, the instructor shared the similarities of the 1890's to the symbolism evidence of L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz (story of Bimetallism).

Tonight's Homework: Continue reading in American Pageant (Chapters 27-29) and continue working on Unit 9 AP Chapter Questions.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today, the instructor continued with the lecture and discussion concerning the monetary policy of the United States during the late 19th century (bimetallism). In celebration of the students' academic achievements in the past semester, the instruction was cut short today in observance of the students' honor roll celebration (Ice Cream Social). Additional lecture and discussion information will be renewed and caught up on Monday.

Tonight's Homework: Continue with reading in American Pageant (Chapters 27-29) and working on AP Chapter Questions

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today, the instructor began lecture and discussion information pertaining to the rise of Populism in the late 19th century (the People's party or the Populist party). As part of the lecture and discussion, the instructor focused on the fight between farmers and industry over monetary standards (bimetallism).

Tonight's Homework: Continue with reading in Chapters 27-29 in American Pageant and begin work on the AP Chapter Questions for Unit 9.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today, the students spent the class period writing their timed-write DBQ over Reconstruction issues. The posed prompt is "Who Killed Reconstruction...the North or the South".

Tonight's Homework: Beginning reading in Chapters 27-29 for Unit 9 and begin working on Unit 9 AP Chapter Questions.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today, the students spent 10 minutes at the beginning of the period working in their document assigned groups regarding the Reconstruction DBQ. After the 10 minute planning period, each of the four groups presented their thoughts regarding the Primary Source Documents (as it relates to the idea of "Who Killed Reconstruction...North or South".

Towards the end of the presentation, the instructor spoke with the students regarding the specifics of tomorrow's timed-write assignment on the Reconstruction DBQ.

Tonight's Homework: Review DBQ documents and notes on the Reconstruction DBQ for tomorrow's timed-write assignment.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Friday, February 12, 2010


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today, the students worked in their respective groups (Groups 1-4) to plan their presentation over the Reconstruction DBQ Primary Source Documents for next Tuesday. The students took their research (homework) and combined with the background information on the Reconstruction unit to illicit an explanation dealing with the argument: Who's fault was the killing of Reconstruction...North or South. The groups will present their findings and arguments over their document on Tuesday morning in preparation for Wednesday's DBQ essay.

Tonight's Homework: Construct arguments and explanation for Tuesday's DBQ exercise (presentation).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

At the start of the period, the instructor debriefed with the students regarding the Unit 8 examination. The instructor explained the Weighted Score formula and the results from the test...and how the range of scores would affect the weight on the creation of the DBQ and Free Response questions on an actual AP US History exam.

Following the examination debrief, the instructor worked with the students on the "hook exercise" over the DBQ on Reconstruction. When finished, the students were divided up into groups of four to examine the Primary Source Documents for next week's essay on "Who Killed Reconstruction...the North or the South"? The students will continue working on their Historical Thinking and Analysis of the documents int heir groups during Thursday's period as well.

Tonight's Homework: Analysis and Research over the Reconstruction documents (Docs A-D)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today, the students turned in their AP Chapter Questions for Unit 8 (Chapters 23-26) and they also took their Unit 8 AP Examination (Chapters 23-26 plus scaffolded Chapters 1-4). There were a total of 80 questions on the exam (like the AP test) and the instructor used the weighted formula to grade the exam (# correct answers- [#incorrect x .25]) x 1.125= Weighted Score. Questions that were not attempted were not calculated into weighted score.

Tonight's Homework: Read the backgrounder and documents for the Reconstruction Mini-DBQ and complete Hook Exercise on the back of the cover page before tomorrow's class period.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Today, the students were given an opportunity for Peer-to-Peer review in preparation for Tuesday's Unit 8 AP Exam over Chapters 23-26. The instructor spent the period walking around the classroom working with the students on their questions about Unit 8 (information that was unclear or confusion).

Tonight's Homework: Have Unit 8 AP Chapter Questions done for submission tomorrow and study for Unit 8 AP Exam...please bring a pencil for your scan tron.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today, the instructor and the students discussed the impact of the Old West on America (White-Indian Relations, Mining, Ranching, Meatpacking, Railroad, Cowboys, Gunslingers). The students were exposed to visuals from the era and examined the impact of the Homestead Act and the Dawes Act (in particular) on the developments in the New West. Today's information closed out the topics for Unit 8 (Chapters 23-26).

Tonight's Homework: Finish AP Chapter Questions for Unit 8 (Chapters 23-26) and bring questions for Monday's review...Unit 8 AP Exam is Tuesday morning!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today, the instructor continued with the statistics and demographic data dealing with the vast changes during the Gilded Age (1870-1900). However, during today's presentation, the focus was centralized around the impact of the Railroad on industrialization and the movement of people westward for a variety of social reasons.

Tonight's Homework: Finish AP Chapter Questions for Unit 8 (Chapters 23-26)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today, the instructor and the students evaluated some of the statistics and demographic changes with the Gilded Age (Immigration, Urbanization and Industrialization). During the course of the lecture material and group discussion, the students were exposed to demographic maps and statistics dealing with the vast changes taking place during the Gilded Age (Industrial Diversity, Immigrants used as a Labor Force and the vast movement of people to major cities).

Tonight's Homework: Finish AP Chapter Questions for Unit 8 (Chapters 23-26)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Today, the students worked together in a Peer-to-Peer Review Session using their AP Chapter Questions and scaffolded notes to finish completing information for some of the Unit 8 materials. The instructor walked the classroom and worked with various groups to assist with gathering additional information and scaffolding some of the information into appropriate context.

Tonight's Homework: Finish up reading in American Pageant (Chapters 23-26) and finish completing AP Chapter Questions for Unit 8.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Today, the students and the instructor examined the Gilded Age (1870-1900) during the teacher lecture and guided discussion. Through the examination, the students were exposed to the positive and negative elements of the period and its impacts on America's development (post-Reconstruction). In today's discussion, the students examined closely: America's change in Ostentatious Wealth, Corruption Scandals of Boss Tweed and Presidents Grant and Garfield and the changes imposed by Chester A. Arthur to fix political graft.

Tonight's Homework: Remember to bring your textbook and questions for tomorrow's Peer-to-Peer Review session. In addition, finish your Chapter Reading in American Pageant (23-26) and continue working on your AP Chapter Questions for Unit 8.